Tucson Grove DEI Statement
"Druidism is open to anyone who wishes to be part of it..."
—The Epistle of Midsummer 3:2
Tucson Grove of the Reformed Druids of North America asserts its
dedication to fostering an inclusive, equitable, and diverse community.
As a minority spirituality we have a legacy of being inclusive and uplifting of people of marginalized walks of life. All are welcome who would affirm and demonstrate that ALL are indeed welcome.
Leading by Example: The Reformed Druids are the first modern spiritual Druid movement to:
• Ordain women as clergy
• Elect women to the highest level of leadership
• Ordain transgender clergy
• Elect transgender clergy to the highest level of leadership
• Embrace racial diversity up to the highest level of leadership by merit of their character.
In our continuing and evolving traditions, we create an empathetic environment of celebration, learning, and reverence that can be applicable to all regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, sexuality, socioeconomic class, age, disability, veteran status, or religion. Anyone can be a Druid.
Meirneal, ODAL
(With thanks to he publisher of C.O.R.D)
Tucson Grove, RDNA
Tucson, Arizona, United States